Full, focused, and forward...
The first month of the new year is already complete. Time really flies. I am still planning what to do this year, or rather, what to finish. And of course I am completing my journey to 50 with only 23 days left to go until I step out in my new half century.
As I reflected today, I realized how the strength of my commitment has grown over the past two months. I have learned so much about myself and about life. I’ve got a better awareness now to move into my next phase. Three words came to mind for my rebirth at 50: full, focused, and forward.
I feel lucky to have discovered so much of value. And to see so many nice people around me. Now I have a stronger wish to contribute whatever I can to help myself and others to grow, care, and share.
Tomorrow I will call some hotels in Bali to find a nice place to stay during my one-week life break next month. And I’ll find out what, if anything, is calling me from there.
Photograph: Bali spirit seems to be inviting me.
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