When we finished the lunch, rain was pouring down. A young boy “rented” an umbrella to me to help me make it from the restaurant to the taxi stand. Human ingenuity has no boundaries.
I also met a jovial Australian environmentalist, aged 64, who runs a resort for nature lovers in central Java. His youngest child is one and a half years old. He shared his experience that he now gets stressed over things that didn’t bother him in his 50s.
My work today saw good progress, with teamwork adding quality. It rained most of the day, and now there is lightning and thunder, late at night. I miss going for a walk.
The search for a nice place to stay in Ubud, Bali during my upcoming life break has narrowed to a few resorts. I know that the right one will emerge somehow.
Every day brings surprises. Some pass unnoticed, some cause me wonder, and others are so big that they demand immediate attention. I reached out to a friend in distress today, with an open and positive mind. I’m not sure, though, if it came across as I had intended it to.
I need to sleep longer. In the past week, I have stayed up too late. I want to feel more fresh and rested in the morning. Having good energy at the start of the day is such a great feeling.
My journey continues, and I find that there is only one place to live, that is in the now.
Photograph: Remarkable advertisement at lunch.
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