I often have plans to do lots of activities in the evening. I tend to see it as an extension of the day, for leftovers from my “to do” list. And I realized that many times, my plans fall by the wayside. Probably that’s for the best. I’m learning that the evening complements what happens during my day, and that it is much better if I can enjoy its own quality and atmosphere.
Like most people, I have times in the evening that I can easily doze off, and other times when I’m wide awake, not thinking of sleeping at all (like now, at 1 am). In fact, I tend to sleep late, too late probably, although it’s easy for me to sleep early if I want to.
This evening I came home late from work, as I decided to spend extra time to clear the top of my desk from the left-over papers of last year. It felt a lot better afterwards, clean and energized. Feng shui is important to me, and decluttering is a very effective way to positive energy. Tomorrow I will deal with the other desk which still features several mountains of paper.
After dinner, I browsed a few books about life coaching, lounging in my lazy boy, which is the most comfortable chair in the house. And I succumbed to what a friend calls “grandfathering”, falling asleep in a delightful but unsolicited slumber. However, to my pleasant surprise, I “fell awake” before midnight, and felt a strong urge to write. I didn’t want to finish the day without it.
Late or early, I feel that I am becoming more flexible about time. I am getting better at “tuning in” and observing the quality of each particular time, whether it is busy, slow, frantic, calm, focused, leisurely, hot, cool, or otherwise.
Mostly, I find that I can go with the time as it is in that moment. I sync with its particular quality. And if it leaves me uncomfortable, I shift it, from fast to slower, from leisurely to focused, from serious to smiling, or in some other way.
How I feel is my business, and I am finding my freedom to choose it at any time.
Photograph: My lazy boy chair isn’t as fast as this one, but I do “travel” in mine also (picture by Bill Delcambre, downloaded with thanks from this page).
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