Today was unsettling to me, like things were not going well. I felt like I was continuously at a halfway point of achieving anything, never reaching the finish line. But when I recollected my activities of the day, they seemed fine. Why did I have this disconnect between feeling and reality? Was it a trick of the mind?
Here are some of the nice things I did today:
Gave Christmas presents to my colleagues and had a nice chat with several of them. Received several nice Christmas gifts from colleagues. Collected my favorite red Alain Mikli reading glasses from the optician with new lenses that were prescribed by my ophthalmologist yesterday. Withdrew money from my bank account to pay Christmas bonuses to my helpers.
Had my computer checked (the fan makes too much noise) by a hardware expert in my office and made an arrangement for replacing the computer tomorrow morning. Developed a work schedule for completing my research thesis within 15 months. Received advice from a friend about electric guitars and amplifiers. Looked at several guitar and amplifier models in 3 different music stores. Received a short but nice message from my daughter in Thailand.
Received two books unexpectedly, one on sustainable development and the other on the role of public administration in building a harmonious society. Browsed some nice art books in two bookshops. Bought a handbag and several videoke CDs for my daughter. Enjoyed a nice caesar salad for dinner followed by a double espresso. Backed up computer files to my external hard disk in preparation for the replacement tomorrow. Made a program with my daughter for Christmas day. Checked out the U Coach website on the internet.
There were also several things I missed out on:
Working on my thesis, although I had several good ideas for it. Writing two pages for a colleague on an urgent work topic. Skyping with a colleague in the UK about work (I also missed it yesterday). Physiotherapy, as my therapist and I were both delayed because of heavy Christmas traffic. Starting to declutter my house. Making a photo CD for my parents. Making music.
It wasn’t a bad day at all. Although I could not complete everything I set out to do, I enjoyed many nice things, and when I reflected on these, a sense of satisfaction grew right away into my present moment. Don’t get too easily swayed by feelings, was my conclusion.
Photograph: Singapore street poster.
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